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Loading Your Toy Hauler Safely: What You Need to Know About Weight Distribution

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Safety is paramount when it comes to buying and using a toy hauler. In particular, it’s important that you load the hauler so the weight is distributed evenly. If the weight isn’t balanced, your toy hauler could start to sway and potentially tip over, leading to serious damage and serious injury. Why Is Weight Distribution Important? Simply put, an unevenly distributed toy hauler is an accident waiting to happen. That’s because weight distribution has a big impact on how your hauler will move when it’s being pulled.…

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4 Factors Determining the Right Number of Weld Passes

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Some hobbyists may observe defects, such as inclusions, after they have welded a metal. Such defects may be traced to the use of an incorrect number of passes when that particular item was being welded. This article discusses some of the factors that can guide you to decide whether to use fewer or more passes as you weld. The Travel Speed You should match the number of passes to the travel speed that you are using.…

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